This question often arises in the minds of Muslims. Who wrote the Holy Quran and how? And it is important for every Muslim to know the answer.
Although the fact remains that the Arabs were illiterate before the revelation of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). The sciences and arts were unfamiliar with teaching and writing and that is why they were called Ami (illiterate). The Qur’an itself has revealed this fact.
Allah, Who has sent His Messenger among the illiterate, recites to the youth his verses. ”
But in those circumstances, Allah Almighty had to send His final guidance to His chosen Messenger in the same region and in the same class. Therefore, in spite of being the mother of the whole nation, some people were familiar with knowledge and art. Knew how to read and write They held a prominent position in their families and forts, representing their tribes and serving as embassies.
The beginning of divine revelation was a sign that some people in Arabia recognized the dissemination of knowledge and writing through pen and ink. This class, acquainted with the science of art and writing, was fortunate to have the Holy Prophet (sws) dedicate them to the writing of the last revelation of God, the Holy Qur’an.
Al-Tabqat al-Kubra Ibn Sa’d, Tarikh-e-Tabari, Rawdat-ul-Ahbab and some other books state that by the order of the Holy Prophet (sws) forty Companions were entrusted with the services of writing books.
Among them are the famous Companions.
Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with him)
Hazrat Umar Farooq, may Allah be pleased with him
Hazrat Usman Ghani
Hazrat Ali, may God bless him
Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit, may Allah be pleased with him
Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood (RA) Hazrat Abdullah bin Rawaha (RA) Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA)
Hazrat Muhammad bin Muslim, may Allah be pleased with him
Hazrat Abdullah bin Salul (RA) Hazrat Mughira bin Shuba (RA)
Hazrat Amr Bin Al-Aas Hazrat Mu’awiyah Bin Abi Sufyan Hazrat Umm Bin Al-Salat Razi Allah Anhu
Hazrat Hudhaifah bin Al-Iman (may Allah be pleased with him) Hazrat Abdullah bin Arqam (may Allah be pleased with him)
Hazrat Saeed bin Jubair (may Allah be pleased with him)
Hazrat Abdullah Bin Abi Al-Sarh Hazrat Zubair Bin Al-Awwam Hazrat Khazaa Bin Rabi ‘
Hazrat Abdullah bin Arqam Zuhri Hazrat Amir Muawiyah